Vast Intimacy

Silence washes through me
like a radioactive cloud.
The conceptual gives way to the perceptual
mellowing the intermittant pulses
of various sense impressions.

All is seen to be void of 'thing-ness',
simply a grand set of appearances
in the giant vat of Being.
The recognition of Basic Space
always there but overlooked
is simulatenously joined by bliss,
a current with no source nor destination.
Simply the vibrancy of free awareness.

The world loses its boundaries
as simplicity becomes the dominant theme,
no problem, no dilemma, no concern,
just the joyful hear in every direction.
One Being, One Heart as the nature of all,
as separation gives way to singularity.
The held-back position of ego
gives way to intimacy with all things
and the perceived world is rendered softly.

July 03, 2001 (1 of 1)