Radical Gradualism: A Journal of Awakening
© Copyright 1995 by Phil Servedio. All rights reserved.
DISCLAIMER: The following story is not designed as an endorsement
of any of the individuals described. As the Sufis say, "the right time, the right place, the right
teacher." This is a story of a particular set of opportune circumstances that occurred for me
over a period of time between May 1994 and September 1995, and is meant for the
communication of various experiences and insights only.
The story you are about to read is one of Grace, pure and
simple. It may appear that effort was made in the following story, but there was
no linear relationship between what was "done" and what resulted, nor
could there ever be. The real practice espoused is satsang, the relationship to
a number of Awakened individuals with whom I have had the good fortune to come into
contact, and the wonderful blessings that have occurred within the context
of satsang, and not by some heroic, will based effort. By the way,
"Radical Gradualism" is a term coined by one of the teachers in this story
to denote the sudden or radical (or "root") event of Realization within a
gradual process of spiritual growth.
I have written the following for two main reasons. One, out of a personal need to
communicate what has transpired in my case, hoping that it may be inspiring or useful
in some ways to others, and two, that I'm simply a blabbermouth who never could keep
a secret very long, especially this kind of secret!
May 1994
The spiritual process began to become heightened and intensified for me by
taking initiation in the "7 Keys" with a teacher named David Wheeler
in May of 1994. It was a series of profound and "glamorous" initiations
that re-united the shakti force with me in a big way (I had felt that I broke up
with Her when I left Da Love-Ananda several years ago). The 7 Keys were an amazing
and surprising set of openings, full of many ascendingtype spiritual experiences,
which restored me to a sense that I was again moving quickly on the spiritual path
(although in retrospect, this was not really the case - I was simply entering a
phase that felt a whole lot better than I had been feeling!). It was a journey through a variety of
experiences that were deeper and richer than I ever felt before, even in comparison to what
I felt with Love-Ananda. It had become apparent had grown somehow to be more receptive
to the shakti. But there was also a sense growing in me of "been there, done that",
as these initiations were grander version of experiences that I already had. But David Wheeler
did speak about these initiations as points of growth to eventual realization, and that kept
me very interested. I felt association with him was very beneficial, and the
ordinariness of David, and my relationship to him was such a relief compared to
the overpowering, aloof and physically unavailable teachers and gurus of my past.
What was very exciting for me in the latter stages with the 7 Keys was that
the right side of my heart seemed to awaken, or in other terms, it seemed to be the
predominant energy center in my body, more than the chakras. Because of my readings
of Ramana Maharashi and Love-Ananda, I felt at the time that this could be something really
significant. David pointed out that the awakenings of the Amrita-Nadi, a line of
spiritual current associated with the right side of the heart, may not be co-incident
with realization, but nevertheless I was heartened by these events. In one of my
last sittings with David, in August of 1994, one in which a most incredible
transmission was occurring, I lost self-consciousness only to find myself in
the right side of the heart. I was there, in this bright pearl of light,
which I recognized was the source of I, and without doubt the most intimate
experience of my life. I cannot not come close to describing the feeling of
intimacy, and the surprise to find "I" (the source point of attention)
there, instead of being normally somewhere in the head. It was as if I had looked
to the left with my inner eyes, I would see my own left lung. That experience of
course subsided eventually, and I did ache to go back to that point later on (even
though it seemed like more refined version of seeking). In subsequent meditations,
I felt a large, open "cave" just below the right side of the heart that
was far bigger than my body. I wanted to go there and stay there.
Meanwhile, Tanya, who was the local area coordinator of the 7 Keys,
was telling me about her sittings with Saniel Bonder, whom I knew from my time
with Love-Ananda. Saniel was claiming awakening and the capacity to transmit
awakening to others. My first response was disbelief and scornful judgment, but
many of the people of the 7 Keys were going to sit with him and were confessing
some profound experiences of insights, "falling in to the heart", and
even some awakenings. This was intriguing but I didn't feel comfortable with going
to sit with Saniel, especially since I knew him before he was awake, and I felt
a bit jealous that he broken through to a condition that I had yet to find. I also didn't
know what to expect. Later in August, Tanya told me of a couple who claimed to have
Awakened within one week of one another, and she invited me and a few close friends
to sit with them at her house.
When I arrived at Tanya's house, there were about 15 people there, and Lawrence
and Ardeliza introduced themselves. There was a hint of suspicion in me, as they
seemed so ordinary (as the icon of the realized person, Love-Ananda, was still alive
in my subconscious). But when we started meditating, all doubt was removed. I ascended
into a place slightly above my head, absorbed in light -it was a really cool kundalini
experience, and a point of initiation, I felt, with Lawrence and Ardeliza. Lawrence
began to speak later and said, "there's seems to be a lot of ascending energy
here". I said to myself, oh boy, a sensitive one here! I also felt somehow
implicated by this and for some strange reason, guilty that I did something wrong.
Well, Lawrence told us all this mind blowing story of his and Ardeliza's awakening
that was so moving, so incredible. For the first time in my life, I felt that there
was a possibility for me in this life for a real awakening, as his " How could
this be happening to a shmuck like me?" statement stuck with me, and this
heartfelt feeling was a very, very significant opening for me. Realization was
available to the ordinary folks like me? Fucking incredible!!!!
Lawrence and Ardeliza talked till 1 in the morning, and didn't seem to be the least bit tired,
but the rest of us were played out. I got their phone number and went home. About 10
minutes after climbing into bed, the whole room shook twice, one mildly and then
very strongly. An earthquake!! About a 4.5 I'd say. The synchronicity of the event
was not lost on me. The whole evening really shook me very deeply.
Next (August 1994)