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Phil's Mondo India Slide Show
Rishikeshi 'Wildlife'

Got to make aquaintance with two smaller sets of Himalayan schoolkids and the local monkey population, both lively and interesting.

While I was foot bathing in the Ganges at my hotel one evening, a bunch of the locals stopped by to check out the totally bald white guy (being a westerner travelling alone is quite an event, especially in the smaller towns - the attention was fun because it was sincere and had no agenda, for the most part).

I was told to bring along a whole bunch of cheap pens for village children because that's what they ask for the most and that is exactly what they asked for. The smallest girl was the bravest and most outspoken of the bunch.

While driving along the road, there were many families of monkeys playing along the roadside or swinging in the brush and trees. There are two main types of monkey in India, the plain grays ones, as seen here, and 'langurs', who have white hair and black faces, and frankly look like old Indian men! I was fascinated by the monkeys early in my trip, being uncommon in the west.

Here we have a family matriarch doing quite the balancing act on a rock, keeping an eye on her babies.



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